
[9:00 – 9:05] Welcome to DLRS 2018! [slides]
[9:05 – 9:50] Keynote: Deep Learning from Logged Interventions
by Thorsten Joachims
[9:50 – 10:10] A Collective Variational Autoencoder for Top-N Recommendation with Side Information
Yifan Chen, Maarten de Rijke
[10:10 – 10:30] Item Recommendation with Variational Autoencoders and Heterogeneous Priors
by Giannis Karamanolakis, Kevin Raji Cherian, Ananth Ravi Narayan, Jie Yuan, Da Tang, Tony Jebara
[10:30 – 11:00] Coffee break
[11:00 – 11:45] Keynote: Delayed Learning, Multi-objective Optimization, and Whole Slate Generation in Recommender Systems
by Ray Jiang
[11:45 – 12:05] News Session-Based Recommendations using Deep Neural Networks
by Gabriel de Souza P. Moreira, Felipe Ferreira, Adilson Marques da Cunha
[12:05 – 12:25] Knowledge-aware Autoencoders for Explainable Recommender Systems
by Vito Bellini, Angelo Schiavone, Tommaso Di Noia, Azzurra Ragone, Eugenio Di Sciascio
[12:25 – 12:30] Closing remarks